Community My wake up call in Halo CE

By ThaBrad — August 26, 2010
Tags: halo-reach-giveaway

After dominating my area in Halo CE, I made a 2 hour trip to find out how good I really was.

I first started with an Atari, like many others. We didn’t have many games for it, so I also had a few games on the computer I would play at that time. Some kind of flight simulator, which I had to access everything from the command prompt, and at that time was a pain in the ass. There were like 7, 5.25 diskettes. I then moved to the Nintendo, super Nintendo, sega, and sega cd. I had one game for the sega cd, Sewer Rats or something like that. I was thinking that was going to be the future, first gaming system to take cds. Epic Fail.!

Once I got in community college, I got an xbox. I was one of the first people in my area to try out halo. I was also on the baseball team there, so after practices, I would invite a good bit of them over and we would play split screen. I totally wiped their ass over and over and felt great about it. Didn’t feel so great when it was report card time, and I was having to stay after practice and run because my grades we so low from not doing homework. It drove me insane that everyone else was getting to go back to the dorms and play Halo and practice. Well after a couple months of beating their asses, one of the guys on the team said he knew of someone that played at Southern Miss. College and was real good and said he would wipe the floor with me. At that time I thought I could maybe be one of the best in the country. So one weekend I go down there to check everything out. Man was I surprised. I walk into their apartment, and they have timers sitting on the ground in front of them, I ask them, what are you guys cooking, only to find out it was me, and I looked real stupid for asking. I played the best guy there to start off, I remember it like it was yesterday because of how bad he embarrassed me, Chief SlapaHo. Well game one starts out and he beats me to a power weapon and kills me. As I spawn, I hear….Ding, 1 second later, I’m dead. I was like, WTF! After quite a few more deaths, I figured out they had everything set on timers, gun respawns, when I would spawn, and the couple places I could spawn. I wasn’t ever embarrassed so much in my life. They were cool guys though, they ended up teaching me a good bit about the game.

Halo 2 was my favorite out of everything. I played it constantly, from learning super jumps to the double shot. I would miss so much class because of this game. I was so addicted to hearing everything that I could make that guy say behind the curtains, double kill, triple hill, killtacular. The 360 came out and we tried playing halo 2 on it. I saved up and saved up and also got an LCD monitor. It was so much harder to play with that new controller and that wider screen for some reason, I couldn’t get used to it. It eventually led to me playing less and less of it.

Halo 3 came out and I picked up where I left off at halo 2, sucking. When I say sucking, I mean going even every game, when the guys I’m usually playing with are always double k/d. I didn’t like a lot of the things they added. The bubble shield, and especially that radar jammer. At the time I may have been blaming that stuff one the reason I wasn’t playing as much, but it was really I couldn’t compete at the level I wanted to. My cousin, didn’t take long to become a 50 in lone wolves. It wouldn’t be long and the 3 guys I’d always played with were 50’s in team slayer. I wanted that 50. I played with them, and basically felt like they were carrying me. They carried me to a 48 and that was as close as I got.

I was so ready for the next halo. The beta finally rolled around, and by this time I had a real job and my own money. I turned the beta on and by that night I had looked up to see what was being used at MLG events and I went and bought that LCD monitor. I never had any idea that it was the monitor the whole time. I still wasn’t crazy about the 360’s controller, but the response time and the ratio made everything so much smoother. I was finally back to my usual k/d ratio and our team winning about every match. There wasn’t a big blur across my screen when I turned. Now that Razr is making a controller that you can adjust the sensitivity of the thumb sticks on, I should be good to go. I can’t wait until the release and playing with some of my new co workers like Estrada. This one being closer to Halo CE is really good since that was my favorite out of all of them. Wouldn’t it be cool if I ran into Chief SlapaHo. You guys hit me up on Reach when it comes out, ThaBrad.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Buy it! 85% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 3%

Gah, Another Entry, Its not helping my chances of winning! Must dislike!

thewolf14 has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Aug 26, 2010 by thewolf14


+10 for Chief SlapaHo raip session.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Aug 26, 2010 by goukijones


Nice story... mix in some paragraph breaks though jimmys!

BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Aug 26, 2010 by BatRastered


2 dislikes ... not looking for this Jimmy.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Aug 28, 2010 by goukijones



kof2012 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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