Naughty Bear violent teddies rule the world

By goukijones — June 24, 2010
Tags: 505-games e3-2010 naughty-bear preview

We got a brief glimpse of this game at E3 2010 ...

We got a brief glimpse of this game at E3 2010, then stupid g*metr*ilers.nubfarm came in and cut us off. Nevermind that. number 1 in the world!

Ok so the demo at E3 was really cool. You are a bear on an island that none of the other bears like. The other bears are mean to you, ridicule you and laugh at you to your face. So fuck these bears, go get a machete and start hacking them up. It's payback bitches. As soon as you hack up the first bear you come across the rest of the town enters panic mode. Running to their homes and barricading the doors with dressers or refrigerators. While they are barricaded in the house you can go to the electrical box and cut their power. The bear inside the house will call his friend to come over and fix it. This is when you can ram his face into the electrical box, killing him. LOL at this point during the "serious press demo." What did they expect? So then the bear in the house calls the police. You hear him call the police and set up bear traps around the house to catch and injure the police bear. Police bear comes and gets caught in the trap. Easy prey. You run up and pull him by the back of his head like you were just gonna rip it off and then ... stupid other website comes into the room and ruins our press demo. Watch the trailer, if you can stomach it.

Naughty Bear

Naughty Bear

7 Stories

Release Date: Jun 29, 2010

Buy it! 19% - Rent it! 48% - Flush it! 33%

Game of the show from what I've seen. Hands down.

choke has not rated Naughty Bear yet.
Jun 25, 2010 by choke


I like the fact that the stuffings come out, but I still prefer blood, I know I'm sick. Don't get me wrong though I will still want to get this game for sure.

fnjimmy has not rated Naughty Bear yet.
Jun 26, 2010 by fnjimmy


Evil but absolutely cutee.

pwny rated Naughty Bear Buy it
Oct 19, 2010 by pwny


Finaly ordered my own copy, now I just have to wait for it to get here. Crazy ass teddy bear = I wish this was out when I was still a stoner.

DragonKiss83 rated Naughty Bear Buy it
Feb 17, 2011 by DragonKiss83


My copy is here, time to kill some teddy bears.

DragonKiss83 rated Naughty Bear Buy it
Feb 26, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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