Need for Speed Hot Pursuit demo demonstration with GoukiJones

By goukijones — October 28, 2010
Tags: demo exclusive preview video

Exclusive video and commentary from GoukiJones. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is the hottest racing game for the 2010 holiday season.

Criterion Games presents Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, the best selling racing game of the 2010 holiday season. Gran Turismo 5 is out. There's no competition in the racing genre. Don't worry, I think GT5 and NFSHP are two totally different games anyway. NFSHP is a fast pace action arcade racing game. GT5 is a simulator.

I got a good taste of the racing during my time with the demo and I will tell you I really enjoyed it. A couple of notes here. I thought it was weird when the demo asks for your email and if I want to sign up for the EA newsletter and receive other valuable information. No Jimmy. No thank you. There's gonna be a lot of social networking integration.

It's bad enough the most giant ad ever on the Xbox dashboard was seen today for TIDE detergent?! WTF. Maybe moms are logging in -first thing in the morning- before they do laundry to have a quick game of Halo Reach.

There are only two races in the demo. The cop chase in which you must ELIMINATE the illegal drivers. Not to be confused with running over illegal aliens. Both the cop cars are sweet and there's an intro with a sexy voice over for each car. The other race is just a race with high performance cars. No cops, which I didn't understand. Also different during this race was the licensed rock music playing. The cop chase race only had some generic "hot pursuit" music. I could care less about the music either way.

Check out my video series below. A exclusive.

GoukiJones NFS Hot Pursuit demo cop chase Commentary

This is my very first race. I'm railing my friend list best times. Don't be a Jimmy. It's an excellent race. Enjoy the video.

GoukiJones NFS Hot Pursuit demo casual race Commentary

This is the game when there are no cops. Just another boring racing game. That is not my background music. That is from the game. sad face? Muted!

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit meet the police

Get to know your Crown Vic and whatever this Z thing is. The voice over chick sounds hot talking about these cars. Pwn!

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit police crashing Jimmys  

Just some highlight crashes from my time with the demo. This game is gonna be a lot of fun for a group of Jimmys.


Hype it up! I am hyped for this. I'm police all of the way. All this game needs is bodies flying through the windshields.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

15 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 16, 2010

Buy it! 65% - Rent it! 26% - Flush it! 9%

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