Community Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Follow Up
By ThaBrad —
November 23, 2010
After a couple of weeks of playing, it's still as fun as the first night thanks to a couple of features from the makers of Need for Speed.
After playing a few weeks with King of Jimmys("The Ultimate Enforcer") and Erik Estrada("Online Pwner"), I've been having as much fun as I've had since I got it. One of the best features about the game is the Autolog.
"The heart of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is Autolog, which is where your journey begins every time you enter Seacrest County. Autolog is the intelligent engine at the center of our most connected Need for Speed ever, keeping you in the middle of the action both in and out of the game. Through Autolog, you’ll be able to track your career progress, Personal Best times and how they compare against your friends, check out all your captured game photos, brag about your latest accomplishments, and jump into challenges recommended by Autolog’s comparison engine based on your friends’ gameplay."
"If your mug is going to be plastered all over your friends’ walls, you better make sure that your profile picture is exactly how you want it looking. If you’ve got photos on your computer that you’d rather use, log into Autolog on the web and change up your profile picture. It’s as easy as busting your friends! Just log into click on Career and then look for the camera icon on the profile picture space. Simple. " Lets take a look at a Rent a Cop Jimmy..
"Trash-talking is one of the best parts of gaming. Who doesn’t enjoy beating a friends time in an event and then bragging to them about it? Well, we’ve incorporated that right into the game thanks to Autolog, but when you’re not playing, that doesn’t mean the smack can’t continue to fly! Jump on to Autolog on the Web and access your wall. From there you can write a message to all your friends, or comment on anything your friend has said! Give it a try!" Lets take a look at some of the comments on my wall..
So now that I've seen that Jimmy has beated a few of my times, I'll want to go look at those races. So after drilling down to each individual race I come up with this.
Take a look at the attempts,WOW, so as you can see this Jimmy has put a lot of hard work into trying to beat my times. So this goes back to my very first point, this game is just as addictive now as it was when it was first released. I don't recommend you go off the deep end and play hours on top of hours trying to beat someone's time like this Jimmy did, but I definately recommend checking it out if you haven't.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 16, 2010