Community Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Follow Up

By ThaBrad — November 23, 2010
Tags: blog need-for-speed-hot-pursuit racing

After a couple of weeks of playing, it's still as fun as the first night thanks to a couple of features from the makers of Need for Speed.

After playing a few weeks with King of Jimmys("The Ultimate Enforcer") and Erik Estrada("Online Pwner"), I've been having as much fun as I've had since I got it. One of the best features about the game is the Autolog.

"The heart of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is Autolog, which is where your journey begins every time you enter Seacrest County. Autolog is the intelligent engine at the center of our most connected Need for Speed ever, keeping you in the middle of the action both in and out of the game. Through Autolog, you’ll be able to track your career progress, Personal Best times and how they compare against your friends, check out all your captured game photos, brag about your latest accomplishments, and jump into challenges recommended by Autolog’s comparison engine based on your friends’ gameplay."

"If your mug is going to be plastered all over your friends’ walls, you better make sure that your profile picture is exactly how you want it looking. If you’ve got photos on your computer that you’d rather use, log into Autolog on the web and change up your profile picture. It’s as easy as busting your friends! Just log into click on Career and then look for the camera icon on the profile picture space. Simple. " Lets take a look at a Rent a Cop Jimmy..


"Trash-talking is one of the best parts of gaming. Who doesn’t enjoy beating a friends time in an event and then bragging to them about it? Well, we’ve incorporated that right into the game thanks to Autolog, but when you’re not playing, that doesn’t mean the smack can’t continue to fly! Jump on to Autolog on the Web and access your wall. From there you can write a message to all your friends, or comment on anything your friend has said! Give it a try!" Lets take a look at some of the comments on my wall..

 So now that I've seen that Jimmy has beated a few of my times, I'll want to go look at those races. So after drilling down to each individual race I come up with this.

Take a look at the attempts,WOW, so as you can see this Jimmy has put a lot of hard work into trying to beat my times. So this goes back to my very first point, this game is just as addictive now as it was when it was first released. I don't recommend you go off the deep end and play hours on top of hours trying to beat someone's time like this Jimmy did, but I definately recommend checking it out if you haven't.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

15 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 16, 2010

Buy it! 65% - Rent it! 26% - Flush it! 9%

62 attempts? Drunk driving at its best. Put the Jimmy juice down and learn to drive nubfarm. I'm currently accepting all challenges online. I have won 161 races and desperately need someone that knows how to drive(only 1 attempt per race online, so Jimmy cant hang.) Nissan GTR 4 Life.

erikestrada has not rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit yet.
Nov 23, 2010 by erikestrada


First of all this is one of my favorite stories on Yes, everything about the Autolog epitomizes what I love about video games and a proper online game. I was fuckin' sucked in last night.

Attempts = irrelevant. IF and that's a big IF we are still playing this game in 3 months. 62 attempts for a less than 30 second time (With a Dodge!) is not that many attempts. Also on those interceptor challenges, 1 fuck up and your done at this point. It needs to be a flawless victory. So yeah, I tap a wall ... pause, restart race. 62 times until it's perfect if I have to. And all ya times is railed.

There's one challenge that had me real pissed, TheBrad has me beat by 0.21. Unacceptable.

Another note: erikestrada IS good at the racing, but racing online against a bunch of nuabs that don't know how to handle and turn the car is nubfarm. 161 wins translates to 25-27 actually decent races.(maybe.) I HOPE you're beating the n00bs online. Because your not beating your friends where the score is kept.

Don't be a Jimmy! Thanks for posting. You've been awarded Jimmy's Seal of Approval.

goukijones rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Nov 23, 2010 by goukijones


I'll have the game sometime next week. Shipping during the holiday season is a bitch! Oh well. Be careful, cause I will own the road no doubt. I've got that need for speed!

cinderkin has not rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit yet.
Nov 23, 2010 by cinderkin


Nobody will be playing it next week. Haven't you heard of a game called GT5?!

goukijones rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Nov 23, 2010 by goukijones


I heard they're pulling it off the shelves so they can push the release date back, heard

ThaBrad rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Nov 23, 2010 by ThaBrad

de bad shot

real jimmys all around

de bad shot rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Nov 23, 2010 by de bad shot


In 3 months you will have 200 attempts nub farm. When you join my online lobbies you get killed. Not even in the top 3 most races. Racing isnt for everyone, so I can understand why you like playing as a cop. I mean who wouldnt want to drive the cheater cars. If we both pick the same car and yours is the cop version it's faster than mine, but I guess some people need that to keep up. I do the regular races because its an even playing field. Winning with that big of an advantage takes the fun out of the game.

erikestrada has not rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit yet.
Nov 26, 2010 by erikestrada


I can't believe you are still talking shit about this game. You race the same cars on the same five tracks. You are not good at the GAME, you are good at one section. 200 wins in the super series and 3000 miles in the same car. Congratulations. My stats and times stretch across the entire game. Number 1 in the World!

goukijones rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Nov 26, 2010 by goukijones


Running people off the road is fun. I've played plenty of racers before, the cops and robbers aspect of this is what keeps it interesting.

BatRastered rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Dec 9, 2010 by BatRastered


I haven't had this much fun for need for speed since the last hot pursuit.

fnjimmy has not rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit yet.
Dec 12, 2010 by fnjimmy


Thought I'd share this information since Estrada brought it to my attention. You get codes from the caps of Dr. Pepper. You can use those codes online to unlock cars in the game, like the Dr. Pepper Viper that is in the Super Series. I have yet to drink a Dr Pepper for this though, hopefully I'll see someone with one and swipe that cap.

ThaBrad rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Dec 17, 2010 by ThaBrad


WTF do you need more cars for Jimmy? You still only drive the 2-3 cars you get the most wins with competitively and they would be irrelevant in career mode.

goukijones rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Dec 17, 2010 by goukijones


its alright gameplay

kof2012 rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Rent it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


So with the new dlc comming how many people are going to be playing this again?

DragonKiss83 rated Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Buy it
Feb 22, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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