Community New Killzone3 DLC Announced! and we may not see Catherine...?
By iorilamia —
February 25, 2011
Rain + jetpacks + mechs = YES YES YES! Atlus has no plans for U.S release for Catherine = NO
Steel Rain DLC map pack features 2 levels inspired by the single player Campaign. The levels are MP-09 Junkyard and MP-10 Stahl Arms. This week we only get a tase of the Junkyard which includes Mechs and jetpacks...MECHS AND JETPACKS! Next week they will release the Stahl Arms video which includes miniguns! No pricing or release date yet on this DLC, but the day 1 DLC Retro Map Pack was 2 levels for $5, so this might be the same.
Source : (with picture gallery and vid)
Video uploaded by Or check source link for better quality.
The Junkyard will be 16 player Guerilla Warfare Gametype.
"The junkyards of Helghan are a wasteland to some, but a valuable resource to others. In the main junk processing facility of Helghan, ISA and Helghast Forces are clashing in an attempt to salvage vehicles and supplies for their war effort. Jetpacks are the key to taking the high ground, but the huge Exoskeletons can quickly turn the tide of the battle on the ground"
Stahl Arms will be Warzone 24 players Gametype
"As the Helghast write a new and appalling chapter on humanoid experimentation, beleaguered ISA Forces mount a desperate attack on the notorious Stahl Arms research facility, where they hope to free ISA soldiers who have been taken captive. Stahl’s Helghast forces will stop at nothing to ensure that the ISA attack fails, even if it means exterminating the very prisoners they need for their weapons research"
In Sad-face News, Atlus U.S said Catherine is a Japan-Only game and no thoughts of U.S release at this time.
Source :
What do you think jimmy's? Will Catherine pull through or would it not sell as well in our market? Japan-Only games sometimes do make it to the U.S but that takes years! Also I don't know if I like the mechs or the jetpacks more! Killzone DLC is looking VERY promising, leave your comments below
Release Date:
Feb 22, 2011