Community new Nintendo DS coming soon

By bmorenmiami — October 30, 2009
Tags: news preview

New larger Nintendo DS coming to U.S. in 2010

Nintendo DS goes supersize: Introducing the DS XL

Apparently, smaller is out and big is in.  According to several video game insiders Nintendo is due to release next month in Japan a new DS that has 4.25 inch screens (much larger than the 3' inch screen of the current model) that has an 80% larger screen area.  It overall will be longer and thicker.  Even  the stylus will be jumbo sized!

I'm not sure about the logic behind this,(I thought everyone always wants smaller!) I mean isn't the PSP doing poorly because of size?  From what I hear it is going to be marketed to older and younger gamers who have trouble viewing the current 3 inch screen.

The price point is expected to be higher than the DSI current price point of $169.99 here in the U.S.  It should launch in North America sometime in first quarter 2010.

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Nintendo DSi

Nintendo DSi

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Release Date: Apr 5, 2009

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