New Overwatch Character is a Hamster in a Ball

By goukijones — June 30, 2018
Tags: preview reveal

It's a Hamster from SPACE.

Honestly I don't mind this.  I remember a few months back -it might be a year now- that Overwatch talked about a bunch of heroes in the pipeline.  This was before Moira, I think she was the next one OTW at that point.  They spoke about a few different characters, but the one that stood out the most was a character that controlled bots that could be sent out around the map.  It made me think it would be like if Symetras turrets could walk around or maybe like a mouser from TMNT.  Anyway, I haven't played Overwatch in a long time and my ban on it remains intact until we have Baxtor Stockman and the Mousers in the game.

My name eh Jeff.


Overwatch Game Of The Year 2017 PC Box Art

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I think the concept of the character is good. Just surprised it was a hamster.... My ban remains intact as well. lol

sugarninja rated Overwatch Buy it
Jul 10, 2018 by sugarninja

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