New Red Dead Redemption gameplay demo amazing stuff

By goukijones — December 15, 2009
Tags: red-dead-redemption rockstar-games video

Roping enemies you shoot in the foot to take them back for the bounty is cool. Horse muscles Jimmy!

In this new video Rockstar shows off exactly what Red Dead Redemption is going to be about. If this video doesn't get you excited then you are on the wrong website. 

I said it last time that just the scenery alone in this game is incredible. You get a good look at some of the shooting which looks fun. Be ready though, this game is a GTA in the wild wild west. That's why I'm excited about, GTA4 bored me after a while and I never finished it. Fuck it ... check out this video Jimmy!

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Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: May 18, 2010

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