Community New Sonic Generations Trailer From Gamescom

By Phresh — August 17, 2011
Tags: gamescom news sonic-generations trailer video

Here's the fourth official trailer for Sonic Generations.

This one shows off three levels, Seaside Hill/Ocean Palace from Sonic Heroes, Spagonia from Unleashed, and Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic 2. This one even gives some insight about the story, basically just telling us there's some time travel involved. And apparently future Tails went with Sonic back in time too.

Also, the game comes out Nov 1, 2011 and pre-ordering with Gamestop will give you a downloadable level (Casino Night Pinball Stage), an Xbox dashboard/PSN Home theme, and for Xbox 360 owners, a downloadable avatar item (Super Sonic Costume).


I like the idea of them adding some 2d levels and some 3d levels and the two Sonora badassnice story bro

Aug 18, 2011 by kof2012


Looks like fun, but I'ld rather see new levels instead of the old ones. But Sonic is in the same category as Mario for being a classic. But even when Sega dropped out of the system race they still kept him alive.

Aug 18, 2011 by dragonkiss83


stupid ass iPod again with the typos

Aug 19, 2011 by kof2012



Aug 23, 2011 by blazemanx

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