Nintendo Switch Will Allow You To Play Zelda Anywhere On The Planet!

By goukijones — October 20, 2016
Tags: legend-of-zelda mobile video

OMG! Another Nintendo Consoles with New Innovations.

Is the future of the Nintendo console, in general going to be both mobile and home based?  They make hella money with the 3DS.  I believe it to be true.  The proof is in this video.  There is even a slot for 3DS games.  That or Nintendo is going back to cartridges for the Swtich and they tiny as hell.  Either way, I don't care what the system does or how it really operates.  It's 2016, you know the graphics are going to be just fine.  My hype lies in the games.  A new Zelda and a new Mario.  All we need a Samus to round things off.  I'm excited for the games on the Nintendo Switch.  Gimmie.

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

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