No Homo! Cho Aniki Zero and Muscle March

By reipuerto — May 9, 2010
Tags: cho-aniki-zero muscle-march wii

Calling THIS, makes any situation straight!

Games that are different by their style. What would you consider them? Well, depends on the game right? Well, what about games like Muscle March and Cho Aniki 0: Muscle Brothers?

Muscle March
was released on the Wii Ware on January 18th, 2010 in North America. One or the first game of the year and it involves men in Speedo chasing after someone who stole their “protein” shake. It’s an over the top Japanese game from Namco Bandi Games, known for the Ridge Racer, Tekken, and Soul Calibur series. The player must use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk in tangent with the holes in the wall. It’s like play “Whack a Mole” but increasing speed until you catch the thief at the end of each stage. There are only three stages and each stage’s difficulty increase as the player progresses. There are seven character to choose from, one girl, but in all honestly it’s just a different palate switch one them.

In all honestly, I enjoyed Muscle March for the premise than Cho Aniki Zero. I can see that MOST gamers would be turned off but it’s and insane change of pace from shooting dudes in the face online. I mean, some people call this gay? This coming from the same dudes that are shouting to suck their d*ck online… Right, these games are gay(Sacrarium). These games are a distinct style that will make them a cult classic!

Both Muscle March and Cho Aniki Zero are in there respective platform Wii Ware and PSN for 1000 Wii Points and $19.99 respectively.

Buy Muscle March to laugh your face off!
FUCK IT! on Cho Aniki Zero because there are better side-scrolling shooters out there.

P.S. don’t get caught playing these games… You won’t live it down…

I also thought this was funny!!


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