Community OldSchool Sonic making a comeback in 20th Anniversary Game

By iorilamia — April 10, 2011
Tags: news sonic sonic-generations teaser video

Teaser Video for new Sonic Game in the making as a part of the 20th Year Anniversary.


Sonic Generations, coming sometime this year...and that is all about we know. No official website yet but a domain name was taken. The official teaser video was uploaded to Facebook only, but it was uploaded to youtube by

Doesn't show much, besides traditional Sonic. It's awesome seeing the black eyed, chubby chilli-dog eating sonic again. not sure if anyone is still a huge Sonic fan, it just leaves a nice childhood memory. Don't be a jimmy, leave a comment on what you think, and what would you want in a new Sonic game?






Sonic Unleashed was decent and I'd play a game of just the Sonic stages from that game. I heard Sonic Colors was decent too.

Apr 10, 2011 by Phresh

grey walrus

Sonic colors is alright and sonic unleashed's daytime levels were aweseome. The nighttime levels completely ruined it though.

If sonic goes back to it's roots I'd play them again. Sonic 4 was cool, and if there was a game that was just like sonic unleashed without the crappy beat 'em up/slow moving levels it would be awesome.

Apr 10, 2011 by grey walrus


I think it's great that they are giving Sonic another chance, but I'm not to interested in picking it up myself.

Apr 10, 2011 by DragonKiss83


@Walrus and Phresh- Yea Unleashed was a cool game. For some reason though (maybe because I was younger) but Sonic Adventure 2 Battle always stuck out to me, don't think another one like that will come along though.

Apr 10, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was a great game.

Apr 10, 2011 by grey walrus


this is just perfect for my son

Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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