Community Oni vs Gouken

By starlordtitus — June 11, 2011
Tags: blog fiction gouken oni super-street-fighter-4-arcade-edition

Oni has reached the pinnacle of his power. Gouken has the Power Of Nothingness, able to neutralize offensive energy. It is now time to find out the victor of this fight.

Reader's Note: The following story has a two part fight sequence between Oni and Gouken. You can play the 2 music videos when prompted to in the story. Oni's Theme during the 1st part, and Gouken vs Ryu Theme (my choice for the 2nd part for better effect) for the second.

Birds are chirping, the waterfall flowing below the cliff is soothing. Gouken meditates at it's peak.

A master like no other, Gouken trained 2 of the world's best fighters, Ryu and Ken, as well as Dan who could win fights if all he had to do was use his mouth

Gouken's mind focused, ready, he has senses the monstrosity approaching. In the distance, there are footprints walking through the grass, trees begin to collapse one after another. Gouken remember's his brother in the days when they trained with their master Goutetsu, but Akuma was now no more...Gouken's eyes open as he then turns around to  face his most dreaded adversary.

There only 20 feet away, Oni stood with a malicious smile. (Activate Oni Theme video) Oni: Heh heh heh...hahahaha.....AAHAHAHAHA! Your BROTHER has surpassed you, Gouken!" Gouken: YOU, are no longer MY brother demon! You have given up all that has made you human and for THAT I will not hold back!" Oni jumps towards Gouken and comes down with a devastating blow, but Gouken jumps of the cliff over the water fall and towards the distance. Oni follows. Gouken now stands in an open field, free of obstacles. He readies himself.

Oni steps forward (Oni) "I am Oni! And I shall grind beneath my heel....all that exists!"

The fight begins! Oni fires a Gohadoukenl at Gouken!

Gouken prepares to neutralize it....but the fireballs disappears in smoke! It shortly drops Gouken's focus in his confusion and in that moment Oni rushes in with a lighting fast slash! But as a master of defense Gouken barely manages to block it and moves away. Gouken then counters with his own hadouken as he knows Oni's will only disappear after some distance. But Oni then unleashes his Roaring Thunder Hadouken (electric fireball)! The two hadoukens clash, but the electric fireball overwhelms the other and speeds over to Gouken! He dodges the blast and the ground is left destroyed and electrically charged. Oni jumps into the air and comes down on Gouken, but Gouken counters  with a Shoryuken!......But within the air Oni floats backwards! Gouken is left punishable! Oni then charges his Gohadouken and fires it full force! Gouken lands and Hurricane Kick floats over the powerful fireball! 

Oni speeds forward and unleashes a Shin Shoryuken on Gouken!

Gouken does his best to block it but is thrusted in to the air by the impact! Oni rushes into the air as Gouken is falling. Oni unleashes in the air his Meido Gohado! His most powerful dark fireball!

Gouken lands and looks up! (EXPLOSION!) The ground is destroyed and leaves a crater, the grass is now dirt, and there is a huge cloud of smoke. Oni: "AHAHAHAHAAHAHA! SUCCESS! YOUR TIME...HAS COME!" The smoke begins to clear, Oni awaits to see his victory with a deceased Gouken. 

(Activate Gouken vs Ryu Theme music) A shadowy figure stands in the smoke, Oni looks with curiousity. A voice speaks "I know what I must do!" Gouken LIVES! And with the full Power Of Nothingness has ABSORBED  the Meido Gohado and added it to his own!!!!! Oni: "Whaat??" Oni's face displays  disappointement. Gouken: "ONI! YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN TERRORIZE THIS PLANET!!!" Gouken disappears and appears point blank in front of Oni! Gouken unleashes the full power of his Denjin Hadouken with his new found power!!

Oni is taken by surprise and instant attempt summons another Meido Gohado!!!

(Gouken) DENJIN..(Oni) MEIDO...(Gouken and Oni) HAAADOUUUKEENNN!!!!!!!

The entire area is wiped out. Not a single sign of life in existence for miles. But who survived??? 500 miles away from the blast Oni finds himself in standing, the blast knocked him away from the battlefield. Is Gouken dead? Is he truly rid of his past?? For now he grins triumphantly for either way he now thirsts to find more adversaries to obliterate and should he find Gouken alive, he will finish the fight.

Opposite of the battlefield, 500 miles in the distance, Gouken stands amist the most beautiful waterfall. Unsure of his victory, Gouken remains at peace with himself. Oni has rose to a level of power unlike any other, yet Gouken survived. And that was the lesson Gouken has always taught, to concentrate not on defeating your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. To Gouken, regardless if Oni was destroyed or not, this day he would enjoy peace.

Thank you for reading.

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Gouki Box Art

95 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jun 28, 2011

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[UPDATED] Jun 11, 2011 8:06:43 PM

Jun 11, 2011 by BatRastered

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kickass story jimmy from another jimmy always checking random stuff out

kof2012 has not rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition yet.
Jun 18, 2011 by kof2012


Ahahaha xD Awesome. Thanks very much. Also this presents the possibility that these two will meet again...muahahaha

starlordtitus rated Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Buy it
Jun 18, 2011 by starlordtitus

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