Ono: PC Super Street Fighter IV unlikely due to piracy
By Cinderkin —
September 21, 2010
Ono claims there will not be a PC version of Super Street Fighter 4 due to how much the original titled was pirated on that platform.
AndriaSang.com translated an interview Yoshinori Ono held with 4Gamer.net
Here's a healthy copy and paste from the write up.
It doesn't look like this is going to be happening. In a 4gamer interview today, series producer Yoshinori Ono said that, due to high piracy with the PC version of the original Street Fighter IV, there are currently no plans for a PC version of Super.
The PC version of the original was actually a strong seller worldwide, said Ono. However, it was also "number one in piracy."
Ono actually managed to look on the bright side of the piracy issue, saying that at least the game saw wider spread because of it. However, for the sake of protecting the Street Fighter IV IP, they cannot make it so that Street Fighter is considered "free" in certain areas.
Ono didn't totally rule out a PC release. If they were to find some sort of powerful copy protection solution, the PC version's status could change, he said. He explained that the arcade version already runs on Taito's DirectX-based Type X2 arcade board, so a PC version is already 99% ready.
He did, however, rule out the possibility of a Steam-only release, saying that it would be unfair to those who are unable to buy via Steam.
Just to clarify, vanilla Street Fighter 4 was the 5th most pirated game of 2009 on the PC, according to one source, although Ono could be referring to it being Capcom's most pirated title in the quote above.
Also, Seth Killian added in this comment a short while ago on the Unity Boards concerning the matter.
Can you give a yes or no answer on if SSF4 will be hitting the PC or not?
Seth: I understand the desire for a "yes or no" answer, but just because you'd like one doesn't mean we have one to give you :(
We don't have any news to share regarding SSFIV on PC, but we also aren't going to say something like "it will never happen." "No news" just isn't a simple yes or no, so apologies for that, but if we have something to tell you, we will tell you.
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Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010