Community Out of all the Real-Life Portal stuff, this one takes the Cake

By iorilamia — May 22, 2011
Tags: fan-made portal portal-2 video

Real life Portal Turret!

Yes it is real! More ridiculously epic fan-made portal stuff has been made. This time it's one of those adorable turrets we are so familiar with. It has a legitimate motion sensor and sound bytes from the game, including the ending theme of Portal1.  The original video and info is here

Luckily has put up a Youtube version for easier viewing, enjoy!

Extremely impressive isn't it? The only downside to seeing these crazy fan-made wonders is the fact that they wouldn't be mass produced, and only the creator and maybe a close friend would have their hands on it. At least we can awe over it on the internet. Leave a comment on what you think about creations such as this. 


Portal 2

Portal 2 Gouki Box Art

32 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

Buy it! 71% - Rent it! 29% - Flush it! 0%

It takes some skill and dedication to pull some of these off. I'm sure as popular as they are something will be available for christmas.

DragonKiss83 rated Portal 2 Rent it
May 22, 2011 by DragonKiss83


HOPEFULLY! I would so buy it....if it was under $100. Which it wouldn't be.

iorilamia rated Portal 2 Buy it
May 22, 2011 by iorilamia


i like lasers

kof2012 has not rated Portal 2 yet.
May 25, 2011 by kof2012

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