Persona 4 Arena Character Moves Videos

By goukijones — July 24, 2012
Tags: video

A look at 3 characters sets of moves. 2 are the same, 1 is a shadow version of the ... I don't even know what I'm trying to explain here. What's your thoughts on this game? Hit or miss for the FGC?

Shadow Labrys



What the Persona 4 tutorials sound like in Japanese.


This looks a lot like BlazBlue to me. So I have mixed feelings. I'm looking forward to actually playing it trying out the training modes. 

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Persona 4 Arena

Persona 4 Arena Gouki Box Art

3 Stories

Release Date: Aug 7, 2012

Buy it! 20% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 20%

I'm an Atlus fan and the games visuals look pretty good to me, but this game is going to never be a major FGC thing. It'll be a side show at best.

dragonkiss83 rated Persona 4 Arena Rent it
Jul 28, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I've been really looking forward to Persona 4 Arena and it may not be BlazBlue or Guilty Gear... I think it's an amazing fighting game and I'll be pretty sad to see it take back seat on the tournament scene. I'm definitely going to be picking this up when I can. :D

numberviz3r0 has not rated Persona 4 Arena yet.
Aug 2, 2012 by numberviz3r0

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