Playstation 4 Buyer's Guide How & Where to Pre-order

By goukijones — June 27, 2013
Tags: deals-jimmy

There's still plenty of time to lock down an Playstation 4. Pre-order today. Check out these options. If you have another suggestion, please leave a comment.


PlayStation 4: Standard Edition

Launch day PS4's are sold out. You can still order the standard edition. This just means you will get it 2-3 days after the release. There's also the chance that you may be upgraded to launch day status. No guarentees.

PlayStation 4 Killzone Launch Day Bundle

If you Killzone (which is a PS4 exclusive) you can pre-order this launch day bundle & also get a year of PS+ for $499. You save like $10. Maybe.

PlayStation 4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller

Don't forget about an extra controller. What about these next-gen controllers being $60, is that normal? Fuck!

inFAMOUS: Second Son (PlayStation 4)

Another exclusive PS4 game, but who knows when it's actually coming out. 2014 is the bet.

LOL. PS5 Jimmy!


 You can get the COD PS4 for $460, but I can't confirm on when it ships.


Sony - PlayStation 4 Gaming System

Just the "regular edition" from BestBuy


Just the regular edition here. 

Playstation 4

Playstation 4 system

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Release Date: Nov 15, 2013

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