Community Playstation Press Conference Live E3 Stream -UPDATE-

By iorilamia — May 29, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 news playstation sony

Playstation blog will show the entire E3 Playstation Press conference AND gives you a chance to win a 3-day E3 Pass.

E3 is near and Sony has big news. Starting June 6th, for the first time the entire Sony press conference will be live streamed on the Playstation Blog! On top of that, they will have a special booth with developers with interviews, demos and a chat system for us to ask questions as well.

Also there is a chance to win a 3-day pass it E3! Sony has over one hundred of these passes and to win it you simply take a short online quiz found here- .A bit weird since millions of people will try this and the "quiz" consists of a "Give us a reason why you should win a ticket" answer and a few questions but it's worth a shot.

UPDATE from Playstation Blog:

"UPDATE: We’ve got several hundred more entries than we’ve got spots open, so we’re cutting off the entries now. We’ll grade the papers over the next few days and contact winners by email. Thanks for entering!"

I'm content with watching cool new stuff Sony will unveil live and people answering questions from some of us at home. Will any of you be tuning in?




This is great news.

May 29, 2011 by Cinderkin


You Jimmys sign up for that giveaway. I still haven't got confirmation if I'll actually get to sit in on this event.

Playstation always has the best one, not for the games, but how they seem to always embarrass themselves.

Can't wait!

May 29, 2011 by goukijones


I'll watch out of curiosity, they have some games I want to see plus I want to see them spin the PSN thing.

May 29, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I can't imagine what will happen at the Sony presser if the PSN store is not back up by then. Shit is gonna hit the fan.

May 29, 2011 by BatRastered


Exactly Bat, if I were Sony and PSN store was still down I'ld call in sick. :p

May 29, 2011 by DragonKiss83


guess i'll give it a shot

May 29, 2011 by blazemanx


Well it's SUPPOSED to be back up before the end of May...but things keep getting pushed back.

May 29, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

I'm signing up. I've always wanted to go to e3 and this would be so awesome.
EDIT: it says the form can't be seen by the public. :(

May 29, 2011 by grey walrus


Holy, they got so many admissions so fast!

Updated for you grey :D

May 29, 2011 by iorilamia


I won because I told them I could fix the network.

May 29, 2011 by choke


LOL SHIT, they really needed you to save the day.

May 29, 2011 by iorilamia


flipping a i wasnt aware of this i dont own a playstation but im always wondering what the companys planning

May 30, 2011 by kof2012


Wow. Home is so amazing and underated.

Thanks dragon!

May 31, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

I really wish I would've made it in time to enter the contest to go to E3, but oh well. Hopefully Sony announces some cool stuff during their conference.

Jun 1, 2011 by grey walrus


Dude grey, it was seriously filled up within the same day. I'm sure hardly anyone got the chance :(
I saw it, but with work I wouldn't be able to go.

Jun 1, 2011 by iorilamia


So that's why they open back up the store with errors so I expect people asking WTF Sony you bring up new software for this ultimate deli ma.

Jun 6, 2011 by fnjimmy

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