Portal 2 pre-order deals
By BatRastered —
March 21, 2011
All the best deals on Portal 2. Don't pay full price.
Portal 2 is coming in less than a month. Do you have a pre-order yet?
Amazon announced today that in addition to a slightly lower $54.99 price point, they would be offereing a $20 promotional credit on future video game purchases. Add this to release date shipping for only 99 cents, and you have no reason to leave your house on April 19th.
Don't be a Jimmy. The PC version is available for $44.99, but does not have the $20 credit... don't order that, if you order the PS3 version, you'll be able to play on your PC too via Steam as the PS3 version runs on Steam.
Stay tuned to this page for more pre-order deals on Portal 2 as we find them.
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Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 19, 2011
[UPDATED] Mar 21, 2011 2:07:13 PM
Mar 21, 2011 by BatRastered
GameStop has this offer up:
- Custom Bots - Preorder Portal 2 and receive GameStop exclusive customized skins for the co-op bots Atlas and P-body.
- Custom skins for Atlus and P-body, exlcusive for co-op play.
- Online Customers: A code with instructions on how to redeem your custom bots will be emailed to you within 2 business days after your order ships.
[UPDATED] Apr 13, 2011 5:23:04 PM
Apr 13, 2011 by BatRastered
Pre-order from Buy.com for $56.99 with free shipping.
Pre-order from Best Buy for $54.99.