Community Pwn Guide to Red Dead Redemption
By de bad shot —
June 1, 2010
what you need to know to pwn.
Have you been getting railed? Have you wondered what the fuck is going on? Have you thought about selling your soul to Satan for a kill streak? Well then I'll give you nubs a helping hand. I been pwning the west like I was getting paid, and I got the tips to make you better than average.
First up, radar. This is a super secret trick that gives you the crazy big leg up. I'm sure your aware of the fact that if you run around you are visible on the radar, also if your unloading some bullets on a fool, but did you know you can zoom out on the radar? Hit down on the D-Pad Jimmy and have a good view on what the fuck is going down. Half the battle is knowing where the Jimmys are so you can give them the bullet to the teeth they so very need.
Next up weapons. Shitty six shooting revolver vs fast a fook hand gun, who do you think is going to win? Grab the good shit and watch the noobs fail and cry like little bitches. Defiantly the most important thing to master is the dead eye. Two things you need to know first. GRAB THE GREEN BOXES. That is the dead eye boxes and you will rape with what ever shit gun you have with it. Now the more important part of it is actually knowing how to use it. When aiming click the right thumb stick and paint those suckaz with about 4 "X's". That should be enough to to kill the noob with what ever gun you're rocking. The only other thing you need to know is don't be a Jimmy like BatRastered and refuse to play the gang matches. Peace out!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
May 18, 2010