Community Rage, Here comes another horror style FPS

By DragonKiss83 — October 17, 2011
Tags: fps id-software ps3 rage review xbox-360

Id Software has brought us a decent horror FPS, but the timing could have been better.

If you are a fan of horror based first person shooters Rage is a game you should check out, when you get the time.  FPS games have flooded the market all year long but right now we have Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 right around the corner it's hard to justify buying another shooter at the moment.  And if you look at the pile of recent releases there is a good chance you have picked up a few other fps recently.  I personally could wait until Borderlands 2 comes out to buy another shooter.

The driving bits are kind of fun and if you are on the four wheeler you can get launched off by running into something, that was great for a laugh.  But you do have some races you must do to get through the story and some give you weapons.  This is also available for some multiplayer action online.

I only played for a few hours but the weapons didn't seem to have much variety (Borderlands has spoiled me) you start with a pistol, later you pick up a shotgun, a sniper rifle, an assault rifle you can buy, and this wicked crossbow.  You can upgrade the weapons a little, but from the looks of it they are just minor tweaks.  With the pistol you also get a couple choices of ammo, so later in the game you could get more choices.

Overall the game was pretty fun, the story feel a little generic, you are a survivor that was lost in time who wakes up to a world in turmoil.  It's not bad, just not original.  But in most cases if you are playing a fps it's because you want to shoot shit and there is plenty of that.  You do get some boss fights mixed in to give you some variety.

So my official verdict is Rent It, but if they could have slipped it into a gap between games it could have got a buy it.



Rage box art

10 Stories

Release Date: Oct 4, 2011

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 22% - Flush it! 33%

Verdict: Rent It


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