Remember Me Was Originally a PS3 Exclusive

By cinderkin — August 16, 2012
Tags: capcom dontnod-entertainment news pc ps3 remember-me xbox-360

Capcom nabbed the rights to the recently unveiled IP Remember me. Developer Dontnod stated the game was originally exclusive for the PS3.

Previously a Sony Exclusive under the title Adrift is now a multiplatform game newly titled Remember Me. Set for a release date of May 2013 Dontnod has been working on this title for the last 4 years.

According to Co-Founder of Dontnod Oskar Guilbert the team originally started out as a five man team and has now grown to over 100.

"We didn't show the game last year, but we showed concept artwork. This project is not exactly the same, it is an evolution. The concept of what we had with Sony was different," stated Guilbert.

He also added "Sony wanted to focus on a different type of game and we don't really fit with that. But we're in a very good relationship with them. They stopped a number of games last year at Sony and we took back the IP rights and were able to continue to develop it thanks to the support of the investors. We were then able to sign the game to a publisher whose portfolio is a better fit for the game,"

With the rumors of the next generation of titles hitting next year, most developers have been content with just releasing sequels. I’ve noticed this with that being very evident with the high amount of HD Collections and such as of recently this generation. Most are waiting until the next generation to release new IPs.

Dontnod has other ideas. "New IP on the current generation is a good thing because the installed base is huge. And with not so many new IP titles we have much more space on the market, especially as we're not waiting to launch in a new platform. It's a challenge but we feel it can work.”Guilbert mentions.

"It's the right time for us. We've announced the release date and now we've got nine months of communication to work on."

“Remember Me” will be releasing next year on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Check back at for more info on the game as it comes.

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don’t be a Jimmy!

Remember Me

Remember Me

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Release Date: Jun 4, 2013

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