Ryse doing a 180 too? What do you think of this new gameplay video?

By goukijones — August 23, 2013
Tags: gamescom video

We all remember what this game looked like at E3. The whole -Push X to NOT die- trick. Yeah nobody wants to beat a game just using the Square button right? Well unless you're a fuckin' Jimmy!

Don't get it twisted Ryse still hasn't sold me an Xbox ONE, but it looks a lot better than it did 3 months ago when it was revealed. I love the level design of the different environments coming up from the floor. The combat looks a little bland, kinda like a Batman type fighter where you're jumping from target to target. Anyway, just sayin' looks better than before.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ryse: Son of Rome

Ryse Son of Rome box art

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Release Date: Nov 22, 2013

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