Samsung Epic 4G Galaxy S steals Halo Reach Spartan live action

By goukijones — August 26, 2010
Tags: cell-phone commercial halo live-action trailer

You tell me? Is that a Spartan, because that alien sure isn't an Elite. Who's in charge of the marketing here? Where is Bungie?

Bungie must be cool with this, because it's still on TV. I don't understand why Microsoft would license out the Master Chief or any other Spartan for a Samsung product. Oh wait, it's because it's not Halo. It's a straight up jack move! 

There is nothing in the commercial that mentions anything about Halo. Bungie hasn't posted the youtube link on their page, like you think they would. Something must be at play here that I don't fully understand. The alien is nothing like anything in the Halo series. The space marine that swoops to save the "Spartan" could be a UNSC, but that's not clear either. What the fuck is he flying by the way? Looks like a flying Horseshoe Crab spaceship.

The detail in the "Spartans" helmet has a circular air module on the front unlike any Halo armor permutation I have seen. Although on each side of the helmet you can see the flashlights(or little holes by the ears.) The body armor appears to be a cheap rip off with no real detail. And why the fuck is he carrying a steak knife? The only real "Spartan" detail is in the helmet on this Jimmy. Somebody tell me what I'm missing here. 

That Samsung commercial is whack compared to REAL Halo live action commercial. Check out the real stuff below.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Buy it! 85% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 3%

It's like some jimmy in Master Chief cosplay showed up to their commercial shoot.

BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Aug 26, 2010 by BatRastered


That samsung vid made me just want to not buy reach. bad move right there.

all that was lost was returned with the real deal below. Can't wait!

Cinderkin rated Halo Reach Rent it
Aug 27, 2010 by Cinderkin

de bad shot

well atleast if reach fails hard, bungie can sue samsung.

de bad shot rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 5, 2010 by de bad shot


Saw a new edit of this commercial during the Boise State game, no Spartan! Maybe they heard you...

BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 7, 2010 by BatRastered


The video was forced off of youtube. Sorry if you missed it.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 24, 2010 by goukijones



kof2012 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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