Seth Killian VS FnJimmy EVO 2011 Interview

By fnjimmy — August 1, 2011
Tags: evo-2011 evo2k exclusive fnjimmy interview seth-killian video

Yes I'm speaking directly with Capcom now. I do it for all the Jimmys around the world.

I know his name is Seth Killian. I was nervous.

[UPDATED] Aug 1, 2011 3:43:43 PM

Aug 1, 2011 by goukijones

In FnJimmy's defense, he also has a regular 9 to 5. This was his first day off and he was at EVO2K at 10AM, ready to interview Seth Killings. As far as the questions go, I wanted to get the community involved. I hope you Jimmys like the questions you asked. You will hear more of your questions in our other interviews from EVO 2011. Thanks for watching.

And special shout out to FnJimmy for showing up that morning and PWNn Seth Killian. 


Great stuff. No bullshit, Jimmy handled it like a pro. He should have challenged that him to the fact that he has played more Mega Man than Seth.

And this should have been posted before the grand finals! Just put it up Raw. IT'S RAAAAAAWWWW! a la Gordon Ramsey.

Aug 1, 2011 by choke


FNJimmy doing a decent job, nerves can get you, try a few drinks next time. lol

And the two big names Seth throws out for AE got dropped by Latif, nobody saw that coming. And great job on calling Viscant.

And getting Seth Killian saying don't be a Jimmy great job guys.

Aug 1, 2011 by dragonkiss83


No Choke, I did not play the RPG version so if he has, then he gets the title, but I swear I was saying Gouki not Douki.

Aug 2, 2011 by fnjimmy



Aug 5, 2011 by kof2012

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