Shadow complex review
By BatRastered —
September 17, 2009
A quick review of Shadow Complex for the XBox 360 Arcade
This game reminds me so much of Super Metroid (SNES), it's unreal. Get it? Cause it's made with the Unreal engine... eh... tough crowd.
Anyway, for 1200 MS points (that's 15 bucks, American) you will get about 5-8 hours of story mode game play the first time through. More towards 8 if you strive for 100% completion. You will almost certainly want to play through a second time (either to see what you missed or to try to beat it with under 13% of the items for an achievement).
There are a ton of hidden rooms and power ups that will keep you searching every nook and cranny for hours. If you do happen to grab every power up, you will feel like an invincible badass (because you will be, practically). Truly, every powerup is extremely satisfying and they come at a rapid pace.
There are also several challenge maps (again with an achievement for beating them all) that allow you to pit your best times up against your friends (or the XBL community at large).
If you have an Xbox 360 and a gold membership and a spare 1200 points, there is no better way to spend those points right now. (Especially if you loved Super Metroid or Castlevania).
Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 19, 2009