Shank review

By BatRastered — October 4, 2010
Tags: psn review xbla

Shank is a stylish 2-d hack em up that is a lot of fun

Shank has stylish 2-d graphics that will remind you of Samurai Jack. There is also a great deal of blood and gore, and many fun ways to dispatch your foes (pop a live grenade in their mouth!). All the animations are great. The weapons are not that varied, but each has it's own unique uses. Fighting the bigger enemies and the bosses are a ton of fun as it's a mix of the beat-em-up style and quick time events and they're all awesome. The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's still ok and the cinematic cut-scenes are fun to watch. I loved racking up 100+ hit combos on the waves of goons that wanted to get me.

It's an XBL/PSN game so it's 1200 MSP ($14.99) and a decent value, as you may replay a bit to get higher combos and unlock costumes and such. If you're looking to play something in between major game releases, this is a good bet.

Verdict: Buy it



1 Stories

Release Date: Aug 25, 2010

Buy it! 53% - Rent it! 35% - Flush it! 12%

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