Shout at your Skyrim with Kinect

By goukijones — April 12, 2012
Tags: kinect video

New features for Skyrim add Kinect voice recognition. Use Shouts, talk to your ally and even save and fast travel by just telling the Kinect what to do.

What are the neighbors going to think when they here me screaming Fus Ro & Yor Tul Shul. They gonna call the fuckin' cops sooner or later. The good thing about this feature is that you won't have to enter the menus to set this up and you can use all of the commands by just saying them. Something that Mass Effect 3 does if you have more powers than you can map. It's a pretty cool feature with Kinect. Check out the video.


Interesting, but I would feel a bit odd. Plus you would have to memoreize some pretty random names.

Apr 12, 2012 by dragonkiss83


This was very unexpected... I thought April Fools was already over....

Apr 13, 2012 by genxsis83

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