Community Sony is out for blood, hackers beware

By DragonKiss83 — February 24, 2011
Tags: hackers news ps3 sony

We made jokes about the Capcops coming after the leaks, Sony is doing it for real.

Holy Shit!

Apparently a guy in Germany had the cops come in his house and take his gear.  Sony is going all out to try and catch these hackers and they want you to know it's comming.

I'm glad to see that the people hacking the games and cheating are being targeted, but I'm not sure that it will work.  There are different laws around the world so some people will find ways around it.  Plus hackers can be pretty fucking sneaky, so this could cost Sony a decent chunk of money.  Does it out weigh what they are losing because of the hacks?

Don't be a Jimmy let's hear you thoughts.

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