Community Sony is out for blood, hackers beware

By DragonKiss83 — February 24, 2011
Tags: hackers news ps3 sony

We made jokes about the Capcops coming after the leaks, Sony is doing it for real.

Holy Shit!

Apparently a guy in Germany had the cops come in his house and take his gear.  Sony is going all out to try and catch these hackers and they want you to know it's comming.

I'm glad to see that the people hacking the games and cheating are being targeted, but I'm not sure that it will work.  There are different laws around the world so some people will find ways around it.  Plus hackers can be pretty fucking sneaky, so this could cost Sony a decent chunk of money.  Does it out weigh what they are losing because of the hacks?

Don't be a Jimmy let's hear you thoughts.

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Little scary they are going to homes and stuff. FnJimmy better watch out, everything is modded in his house, even his toilet.

goukijones rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by goukijones


damn thats fucked up

blazemanx rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by blazemanx


Can anyone come up with a catchy nickname involving sony and cops? This is some epic stuff.

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

Sony's getting pretty serious about all the piracy. It's a bit scary.

grey walrus rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by grey walrus


That's gotten way out of hand. I am so glad I don't do that stuff. >.>; I buy my games.

MilkyPink rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by MilkyPink


I know the times are hard and we, as gamers, want to play games. But to rip-off someone else's work is DISHONEST. If everyone does it, why should the developers even try if they're not making any more. Spam me, but if you steal and hack someone's work for your own personal goal, go find another hobby. We don't want you.

reipuerto rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by reipuerto


@rei- yea the ps3 hackers have been DESTROYING that system, I forgot which case it was, but their was a point where Sony actually couldn't do anything.

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 24, 2011 by iorilamia


Pirating is a big problem down the road and the only thing that will stop it is and other subscription based services that make it cheap and easy to play games. I mean lets face it, Modding is work and pirate games often have bugs or viruses piggy backing off them. Personally I feel that now is the time for console makers to ditch optical media and solid state media and simply use downloading or better yet streaming. Then you buy your system and pay a monthly fee and have access to every game in their library. The publishers get their money based on play count of a game or from direct downloads. I don't know why we still have to deal with actual disc's and carts.

The other option is to offer either ad based or demo versions of games for free with the option to pay for the game to skip the ads or get the full version.

Either way the publishers make their money and pirates become less needed. I just hope that if I ever publish anything for money that anyone that pirates my work will later pay for a copy of it to show the love if they enjoyed it.

aragrist has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
Feb 25, 2011 by aragrist


I was into modding systems to be able to play imports, but since it's not an issue now I don't bother. Plus online play made me think something like this would happen sooner or later.

But when people put that much time into hacking just to cheat through a game I think it's pathetic. If you aren't good out a game so what it's a fucking game. Why mess up the experience for other people.

As far as stealing the games I don't see why people are ok with stealing games, it's no different than everything else, it's stealing.

@ aragrist I don't really want download only just beacuse we still have issues with data loss and hardware malfunctions and you would lose your games at some point. And the monthly fee idea would be better at the right price if it was a system fee and not game by game. I guess at some point they will sell it as going green and we'll have to get used to it.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Feb 25, 2011 by DragonKiss83


The download only option has been around since iTunes and as some one who has lost my entire library I have to say it works out great. iTunes simply let me redownload my lost files for free since they already have a record of me owning the files. What sucked was all the stuff I loaded from CD's that I tossed or gave away after loading them.

We are moving to a cloud based backup world this decade. Everything we use will be backed on a cloud server somewhere and access to those files will be available to us anywhere at anytime. Game companies should see this coming and get ready for it. I predict a massive upheaval of the gaming industry in the next 3 years. We should all prepare for change.

aragrist has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
Feb 25, 2011 by aragrist


Nothing to fear at all, my ps3 is normal.

fnjimmy has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
Feb 25, 2011 by fnjimmy

grey walrus

Nothing to fear at all, my ps3 doesn't exist.

grey walrus rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Mar 1, 2011 by grey walrus


Hey Jimmy, who's PS3 did you use to update that modded PSP? Xp

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Mar 4, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I do think it's funny that Sony had some systems seized over a blu ray dispute with LG though. I guess everyone is in the cross hairs sooner or later.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Mar 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


who would want to hack somebodys ps3

kof2012 rated PlayStation 3 Flush it
Mar 7, 2011 by kof2012

DragonKiss83 here is an update, Anonymous is after Sony now. The people of Anonymous can fuck shit up like pros, Sony is in for some fun.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Apr 4, 2011 by DragonKiss83


@kof2012 people are hacking their own systems to bootleg games and movies, but other people may want in to get your credit card info, passwords, and to steal stuff you paid to download.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Apr 4, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Who would hack somebody's PS3, we have an answer now. Thanks Sony, way to represent. (I wish you guys had that little smiley that flicks people off like on Skype)

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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