Sony teases future PlayStation announcement on Feb 20

By BatRastered — February 1, 2013
Tags: news press-conference ps4

A video showing some PlayStation symbols and a date, Feb 20, entitled "See the Future" was released by Sony yesterday.

We've been pretty silent about next-gen rumors here at That's because they've been just rumors and speculation from sources who don't know anything. That changed a bit yesterday with this announcement for the 20th. Sony will be having a press event that day, which media and investors have been invited to attend in person. It will allegedly be streamed live, but I haven't found confirmation of that. This is a very Apple-like way of introducing a new gadget, but I guess they just couldn't wait until E3. Hopefully, this means Sony's E3 press event will focus on the games, with the big hardware announcement out of the way.

I half expect Microsoft to jump ahead of this announcement with a Super Bowl ad for the next Xbox (not seriously, but you know how MS loves to be first).

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