Community South Korean Video-Game bootcamp

By iorilamia — January 20, 2011
Tags: news south-korea video

Your child is addicted to gaming? Throw em in a snowy bootcamp to teach them about life!

Pretty intense article written by ryangeneral @ Basically misfit kids who don't go to school and have other priorities get a pretty special punishment. In South Korea parents basically get to enroll their children into Basic Training. I mean, it doesn't seem that bad, S.Korea already has a 21 month draft for the Army. This kinda gets you ready for it, making you a beastly kid. The trainers say it is to prepare the kids for the real world. The camp is for boys and girls. Ofcourse theirs tons of comments on how it is too harsh, how it can leave mental problems and how it is perfectly fine. I am a little on the fence, if your mom is like " IM SENDING YOU TO THAT ARMY SHIT IF YOU DONT DO YOUR HOMEWORK" yo, ima do my homework. The camp has been around since 1998 but I am only hearing about it now. A lot of the hostility is most likely from the pictures of little korean boys with glasses on, shirtless in the snow yelling their lungs out, but is it for better or worse? Check out the link below and leave a comment on what you guys think about this. Enjoy

Source of article is from by ryangeneral. link below to full page that has 11 pics of kids getting owned.

youtube video from NTDTV

"In South Korea, kids who miss school, become addicted to video games or join gangs will end up in a specialized military training camps for some discipline and education. In these camps, the teens are trained military-style with standard soldier routines complete with army uniforms under extreme conditions.

This training program is aimed to make the young soldiers stronger and more responsible. During the course, the trainees are not allowed to get any form of dependence from parents. They are on their own.

Inmates are pushed over assault courses and taught to ride horses, as well as being given therapy workshops on more creative pursuits. During the sessions, participants cannot use a computer and are allowed only one hour of mobile phone use a day to prevent them playing games via their handsets.

Enrolled in the Ansan training course, Kang Han-Sol, a 15-year-old boy said “My mom forced me to take this course because I have played video games too much. I hope this course would better me, so I could quit playing and give more focus on studying”. One of the training instructors added: “Nowadays, the children are selfish and really dependent to parents. They even become violent and disrespect the older. Moreover they easily quit whenever encountering problems. It can not be accepted in our country. For that reason, the parents would like to send their children to the military training course to help them to be better and win themselves”.


Missing some tags in this story Jimmy! News, Video, Etc. Read the FAQ

Jan 20, 2011 by Cinderkin


Next thing you know there's going to be Korean refugees in America kicking our ass at MLG and EVO.

Good post Jimmy. Make sure you do your homework.
Remove those Jimmy ass tags, just use: south korea, news, video

Jan 20, 2011 by goukijones


-tags done-

Jan 20, 2011 by iorilamia


If it's free, then send them away. If not, they could just bootcamp them at home and save money......

Jan 21, 2011 by shenwoopunch


getting tougher for more starcraft 2

Jan 21, 2011 by SonicZero


They can't live without Starcraft lol......

Jan 21, 2011 by shenwoopunch


... And just wait for the other two campaigns to come out(StarCraft2)! They'll bench press Blizzard themselves! lol!

Jan 22, 2011 by reipuerto

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