Spec Ops: The Line E3 closed-door preview

By BatRastered — June 15, 2010
Tags: 2k-games e3-2010 ps3 xbox-360

A couple of jimmys got a behind closed doors demo of 2K's new squad based 3rd person shooter...

Spec Ops: The Line was demoed for us today, here's some initial thoughts.

The game takes place in near-future Dubai that has been covered meters deep in sand and nearly abandoned. The unique setting provides some great opportunities for spectacular level design. We only saw half a level, so I can't say if the game will live up to that promise, but the visuals I did see were quite good especially considering that this was a very early build (The Line is scheduled for a 2011 release). With the arterial spatter and the corpses being devoured by crows, this is an M-rated title for sure.

The sand plays an important role, as it allows you to use the environment to your advantage, either by destroying a wall and dumping tons of sand (tons!) on your enemies or blowing up a window allowing sand into the building you are trying to find a way out of and using said sand as stairs.

You play as the captain and roll with two jimmys beside you that you can issue commands to, but the AI seems to do pretty well on its own already. This is where the biggest dissapointment came in; even though this is a squad based shooter, there will be no co-op in the campaign. (Though there will be a separate co-op "experience" that the developers were not ready to take the wraps off of yet.) Seriously though, I know not every game can be co-op through the story, but a squad based shooter is just such a natural fit for that, I guess I just expect it now and am dissapointed when I don't see it.

Stay tuned as this game gets closer to release, I see some potential here if the multiplayer comes through.

Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line box art

3 Stories

Release Date: Jun 26, 2012

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