E3 2019 - Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order “15” Minute Gameplay Walkthrough of MEH

By goukijones — June 12, 2019
Tags: e3-2019 gameplay preview star-wars video

I'm not sure if this is what you wanted to see.

They announced this preview was going to be 15 minutes and you can see it came up short on that.  Much like the rest of the game, it doesn’t seem to be the end-of-console type material I expect to see from such a title.  The graphics are not super great and the level design or AI really struggled in this reveal.  How many things throughout the world will have some sort of Wall Climbing/Running mechanic attached to it?  It’s Respawn right, they gotta have wall running.

Here’s the full press conference.

The final trailer shown for the weekend was from the XBOX press conference and it didn't change my mind.  Not AS hyped for this.  Apparently it's harder to make a Star Wars single player game nowadays than people thought.

Star Wars Jedi: The Fallen Order releases on November 15, 2019. Pre-order the Deluxe Edition from Amazon.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Gouki Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Generic Box Art

2 Stories

Release Date: Nov 15, 2019

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