Stealth Forth Edition? Transformers 3DS Golden Video Review

By fnjimmy — July 11, 2011
Tags: 3ds-exclusive fnjimmy golden-video-review nintendo-3ds review transformers-dark-of-the-moon

WTF it's cars? Where are the robots? Optimus is transformed on the box cover. WTF is this game. Wait, I hope I didn't ruin my review for you. *Spolier Alert.

Well you just have to watch.

Transformers Dark of the Moon Nintendo 3DS (Stealth Force Edition) FnJimmy Golden Video Review

Verdict: Flush It


Winner also gets an autographed BatRastered Transformer's Universe print on HP photo paper.

Jul 11, 2011 by BatRastered


Stealth Force Jimmy, but I was really disappointed in the 360 game also. Flush them both. Sounds like the print should be the main prize.

Jul 11, 2011 by dragonkiss83


WTF is this prize giveaway

Jul 12, 2011 by kof2012


Ummmmmmmm flush that shit that's what you should of said why don't you guys cuss more he should of said fuck that shut lol that's what I would of said and why the fuck can't you transform

Jul 12, 2011 by kof2012


i REALLY want it just to build back up my game collection i used to have A LOT but now im barley over 10 i NEEDZ IT!!!!!

Jul 12, 2011 by blazemanx

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