Street Fighter coming to PS4? Hadouken Cabs video hints at a port.

By BatRastered — November 8, 2013
Tags: capcom news ps4 video

A new video advertising Hadouken Cabs has popped up on Sony's feed today...

Don't just call a cab! Call Hadouken Cabs! Hadouken Cabs. Knocking the competition out since 1987. #4ThePlayers

Hadouken Cabs - Celebrating an iconic franchise on PlayStation and the memories of Players the world over

If you visit the source you can hear some audio about how they can't answer the phone because they're too busy street fighting.

Notice the #4thplayers hashtag and the PS4 controller seen briefly at the end of the video. Some version of Street Fighter is coming to the PS4. What is it? My guess is this is just an announcement the USF4 will be on PS4 as well as the old systems.

What do you think is going on here?

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

59 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jun 3, 2014

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