Community Thanks for the Pax Swag

By DragonKiss83 — September 1, 2011
Tags: dragonkiss83 pax-2011 pictures swag

Arth beat me to it, so I had to try and fing a more creative way to share.

So once again I have been hooked up by, this time it was some great swag from Pax 2011.  Arth posted his story showing the package we got.  So I decided to do something special.  

The first shot was fun, but it just didn't stand out.

So I figured Master Chief could use a trip to the beach.

And my son of course had to join the fun.  There was also a pic of him with the Omniblade, but it didn't come out good.

So once again I am a happy jimmy thanks to the crew here.  Thanks again guys.  


Great pics the second one is dope. Good to see your son. You look good down there in the keys. I've visited many times.

Sep 1, 2011 by goukijones


sweet......wish i could have got some swag T_T

Sep 1, 2011 by blazemanx


great pics you got there with the Warthog, Dragonkiss.

Sep 2, 2011 by Arthvader


Thanks, the pics were fun to take. Kind of made me feel like a kid. And I somehow managed to get the pics between to different little storms.

Sep 2, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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