Community The Video Game Figures We Grew Up With

By starlordtitus — July 7, 2011
Tags: action-figure blog

It was video games that brought us joy growing up, but when toy companies started creating figures and collectibles of our favorite video game characters, it only brought more excitement to good times.

We all had action figures growing up.  Collectibles that fill up our shelves. Video game charactes would join our anime ones in chosen locations through our rooms. What had to be my first collectible, was Mario. I remember walking down the isle in Toys R Us when I was 4 and seeing Mario and Luigi to the left. But I had to have Mario, he was my favorite. I have had this guy all my life and I have never left him behind.


From that moment on, came years of different action figures from various video games and animes. There was a time when Electronics Boutique before it became Gamestop, had action figures that they sold. When I was severly interested in Dragonball Z, I would go to EB and choose only the most esteemed looking and detailed. Figures that when you saw them you would be like "damn that looks tight". Super Saiyan 2 Gohan was one of my favorites.


Later as I got older, the weapons of video game characters became more interesting to me. Imagine being able to hold the Master Sword the Hero of Time wielded, how many of us bought that sword and shield. Or the Energy Sword from Halo, or even the infamous Masamune blade and Buster Sword of Sephiroth and Cloud.

These weapons only added to the erupting flare of collecting truly remarkable pieces of art from our favorite video games. Thus eventually adding to cosplay designs and such. Whatever the game you're interested in, it is certain companies created figures, cosplay, and weapons for them. It is incredible how accurate these items can be and gives me a sense of proudness to be a gamer. Because it really shows that I'm not the only one out there that has the same appreciation for the games we all love. An in conclusion, it will be a timeless aesthitic creation of world class craftsmanship as individuals continue to create.

I leave you now with a cosplay that's on my wish list xD



Most of the action figures I had got passed on to my little brother, then destroyed. Imagine my surprise when I found out they were worth chunks of money as collector's items and found he had broke pretty much all of them. The swords I collected got stolen out of storage when I was moving around and I've yet to start buying them again, but it's on my list of things to do. And as much as I enjoy cosplay I've yet to really get into it myself. I go all out for Halloween and Zombietoberfest among other events, maybe I need to get a few set-ups for either anime or gaming, maybe both. Good luck to you on getting your gear together there.

Jul 7, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Nope, I didn't have any of these... I had Transformers (the originals) and Star Wars.... Uh, and Legos. Those were all my "non video game" toys.

Jul 7, 2011 by BatRastered


Legos FTW, I can show you I still have ALL of my Legos. PWN! I had He-Man and Transformers growing up. 80's kid heard.

Jul 7, 2011 by goukijones


Damn dragonkiss83. I would go Super Saiyan if someone stole my stuff like that. I sincerely hope you get it all back over time and thank you, I will. BatRastered and goukijones haha I definitely had Legos, they were just all over the place like sand xD I was born in 85' so I didn't enjoy the Transformers of that time but Legos are timeles. With Star Wars I have lightsabers by far. I just thought I'd mention video game figures as they had to do with video games but at the same time I had many other figures from different genres.

Jul 7, 2011 by starlordtitus


That's cool! I remember growing up with my Chris Redfield action figure. He was so awesome! I made him fly! Thanks for the memories~

Jul 8, 2011 by reipuerto


Reipuerto that's awesome! XD Thanks for sharing that, I always liked making my figures fly :D

Jul 8, 2011 by starlordtitus


I had some stretch arm strong and some pokemon cards 90,s kid ho oh yeah

Jul 11, 2011 by kof2012


Hot damn I remember stretch arm strong! I had his nemesis too, that one where he could stretch and you sucked the air out from his body and he would stay stretched, Vac-Man! I had Mewtwo pokemon cards and Mew as well.

Jul 18, 2011 by starlordtitus

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