Community The Witcher 2: Funny Videos and News

By Phresh — May 30, 2011
Tags: funny glitches-tricks-and-stupid-shits news the-witcher-2 video

Motdef has compiled some funny moments from The Witcher 2 and I've found a bit of news about the game too.

I haven't had the pleasure of playing this apparently amazing game but this guy (motdef) has uploaded some funny moments of glitchy weirdness. These things don't normally happen but at least he was recording when they did.

And while I was looking for info on this game, I found out that the ESRB has rated the game for the Xbox360 but removed it shortly thereafter. It's not officially confirmed but it's good news for those of us who don't usually buy games for computers.

Sources: Motdef's youtube profile, IGN

The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2

4 Stories

Release Date: May 17, 2011

Buy it! 62% - Rent it! 31% - Flush it! 8%

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