This is the BS we have to deal with these days
By BatRastered —
June 17, 2014
E3 has some cool announcements, but most of the video you see is bullshit.
First watch this "gameplay" trailer of NHL15 for next gen (PS4)... I'll wait.
I've ranted before (often) about these videos not showing actual gameplay, you know with the HUD and any active character graphics like the little circle you know is under your player in sports games like this. Whatever.
Later I saw Sony had posted a video titled: "PlayStation E3 2014 | NHL 15 | Live Coverage (PS4, PS3)" and it was 9 whole minutes! This will surely show me something, I thought. Nope. Take a look below and see if you see anything familiar.
Oh, the guy talked about some cool features: puck physics, player equipment, ice degredation, fully modeled arenas with 18000 fans... but if you noticed all they showed were clips from that first non-gameplay trailer on a loop while he talked over it. Dafuq?
Some games even seem to go backwards showing less than last year or not showing up at all. Destiny had a demo at last year's Sony conference, this year just a trailer. Granted, they had an alpha that PS4 owners could check out at home, but nothing at E3. I remember when E3 was about being able to check out the new games coming out on the show floor... now it's about watching 8 hours of press conferences on the internet and downloading some betas at home. WTF?
Release Date:
Nov 15, 2013