Community To the Edge again

By sicoyoda — March 28, 2013
Tags: mirrors-edge news

They're making Mirrors Edge 2.

From the Article: Few recent games have had as many requests for a follow-up as Mirror's Edge. If you go by the amount of love professed for it on the internet, the first-person freerunner charmed the vast majority of people who played it. But the 2008 release didn't sell well enough to merit a sequel and it seemed that hopes for a Mirror's Edge 2 have been in vain. Until now.  

Teases have been floated over the last few years and a former EA developer has said that it's "general knowledge" that Mirror's Edge 2 is in development at EA DICE's Stockholm studios. In response to an Eurogamer article about the division, Benjamin Cousins—who's currently at ngmoco but worked on the Battlefield franchise at DICE—tweeted the following:    

Cousins' comment jibes with what we here at Kotaku have heard recently. In 2009, EA CEO John Riccitiello told Stephen Totilo that prospects for a sequel were at a crossroads and then DICE exec Karl Magnus told Totilo that fans would have to "wait and see what the future holds." Reports that a Mirror's Edge sequel would use the Frostbite 2 engine that powers Battlefield 3 have surfaced and when I interviewed EA Games president Frank Gibeau in September, he said that the company is very interested in what fans want in a Mirror's Edge sequel.  

So it's seeming more like a question of when rather than if at this point. And, probably, also a question of current-gen or next-gen. Get your messenger bags ready, folks.

I really enjoyed Mirrors Edge when it first came out and frankly Im quite interested in what if anything Dice will do to revamp the gameplay. Thoughts?

Original source.


One of my favorite games was Mirror's Edge. I hope they focus more on the Story than those lame time trials though.

Mar 28, 2013 by Cinderkin


Yea I didnt see any replay at all to timed events period. It's like crazy taxi fun for a bit but then the song gets old.

Mar 28, 2013 by sicoyoda

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