Tom Clancy's The Division - Snowdrop Next-Gen Engine

By BatRastered — December 10, 2013
Tags: engine snowdrop ubisoft video

Powered by the next gen Snowdrop engine, Tom Clancy's The Division sets a new bar in video game realism and open-world rendering. Experience a chaotic and devastated New York City like you have never seen before.

Looks like we've got some Engine Wars going for the next gen. Snowdrop, Frostbite 3, Unreal 4, that Capcom (Panty Raid?) one, EA's Ignite (for sports).

This looks amazing, but we've heard a lot of promises for these next gen games... I'll hold judgement until we actually see some full on next gen shit. Don't talk to me about BF4, that game is on the PS3 and 360, I'm talking about next gen exclusive games because they can't run on the old hardware.

Tom Clancy's The Division

The Division box art

3 Stories

Release Date: Mar 8, 2016

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