Top 10 Games From The E3 2020 Sony PlayStation 5 Press Conference

By goukijones — June 13, 2020
Tags: deathloop e3-2020 ghostwire-tokyo godfall horizon-forbidden-west playstation-5 press-conference preview ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart resident-evil-8

Here's my favorite games from the E3 2020 Sony PlayStation Press Conference.

#10 Godfall™

Wow! What a bland and boring looking game. What happened to Gearbox? Did they just get lucky with Borderlands? I mean REALLY lucky. I can’t think of anything that worked out well for them. That Alien game, it was based on lies. The people were very pissed about that one and that game didn’t stand a chance when it went to market. That FPS LOL clone game came out around the same time as Overwatch right? And that didn’t survive either. I don’t know what to tell you about this game. I hate watching the trailer. Maybe we’ll see a better display of what this game is down the road. And here’s a pro-tip… Don’t use random music dubbed over your entire demo. We want to hear the sound effects.

#7 GhostWire: Tokyo

The only thing that stands out to me during this demo is the combat. I’m always on the look out for fast-paced action. The rest of it looks a little off with the graphics and I expect better in this age. I’ll check this out more, closer to the release.

#4 Horizon Forbidden West

I haven’t played the first Horizon game. I am now, I just installed it on my Death Stranding Limited Edition PS4. So I’ll be playing it soon and I’ll have more to say later if I’m gonna be into this sequel or not.

#1 Resident Evil 8

I haven’t played a Resident Evil in many many years. The last one I remember playing was the one on GameCube and I hated it. I was a speedrun god of Resident Evil 2. People used to come over to the house to watch me play. It’s true, it’s true. I can’t wait to watch somebody else play this new Resident Evil.


This game also comes in at #1 because this is something I actually want to play that I have never heard of until the E3 2020 Sony Press Conference. After you watch the trailer you have to understand there is plenty going on that looks very exciting. Hella strategy taking place in this game. Stalking for kills, sneaking around and dodging another character just there to hunt you. Very cool. They even tease playing as the other character in the trailer.

#1 Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

LOL. This is another game I don’t remember ever playing. I had to have tried one version of Ratchet and Clank at some point during my gaming life, but I don’t remember, I must’ve hated it. However, what we see in this trailer is incredible. This game, this trailer looks like a full-on ‘Here’s what we can do’ with the PlayStation 5. The graphics, lighting, the particles. Insane! I was just jaw-dropped watching it for the first time. I’ll probably never play it.

Thank you for reading.

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The Ratchet and Clank looks amazing and the Deathloop seems interesting. I am just hype for the new system and can't wait to get that awesome new controller. Thanks for the trailer and keeping us up on all the news.

sugarninja has not rated PlayStation 5 yet.
Jun 14, 2020 by sugarninja

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