Top 6 fake names for the next XBOX

By BatRastered — October 23, 2010
Tags: blog xbox

The next XBOX won't be showing up for a while, but that hasn't stopped people from guessing what it might be called.

6. XBOX 362 (or 360-2)

Why it's believed: It's a sequel so it's got a two after it (or added to it)

Why it won't happen: Technically it would be the third XBOX, but 363 would be really confusing. Also, this is a terrible name for a product either way you write it.


5. XBOX 720

Why it's believed: It's 2 times 360!

Why it won't happen: The reason Microsoft went with XBOX 360 instead of XBOX2 was because they thought XBOX2 would sound "less than" PS3. I know it's stupid, but with 1080 being a big deal in HD resolution (edging out the cheaper 720p sets) there's no way Microsoft will use 720 as the monicker for their new system.


4. XBOX 1080

Why it's believed: 1080p is the highest TV resolution right now, and 1080 is definitely more than 4 (assuming this will have to compete with the PS4).

Why it won't happen: Actually, I can't think of a good reason for them not to do this unless higher resolution HDTVs come before the system is released.


3. XBOX Blu

Why it's believed: This is mostly due to speculation that the next XBOX will have a blu-ray drive. 

Why it won't happen: Microsoft seems dead set against the blu-ray right now, and it's likely that future consoles will rely on flash memory and downloaded content. Optical discs are starting to show their age.


2. XBOX 4000

Why it's believed: The current gen has a 3 in its name, so the next version needs a 4 and needs to go 10x for some reason.

Why it won't happen: This number is essentially meaningless. Then again, so is 360...


1. Kinect

Why it's believed: Microsoft said that the Kinect is basically the next XBOX and is going to keep the current gen going for a few more years.

Why it won't happen: None of the real gamers who love the XBOX and have had it since day one are buying this. The Kinect is for amateurs.



Xbox 360

Xbox 360 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Nov 22, 2005

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It most likely wont have a number in the name.

akskiller rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 23, 2010 by akskiller


For the record Xbox 4000 was my idea. That's the best idea.

Seriously though, I don't care what its called or when it is coming out. Xbox Nubfarm, that's the official name. Holodeck's in 2012 FTW.

goukijones rated Xbox 360 Rent it
Oct 23, 2010 by goukijones


Lol@the pic. xD

pwny rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 23, 2010 by pwny


Well if I remember correctly Microsoft got pattens for the use of Blu Ray in their next console. So I can see that happening.

As for the Name it's going to be called NextBox. Why? Because Microsoft always comes up with stupid names.

Cinderkin rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 23, 2010 by Cinderkin


yehh it wont have a number lol

sexyyrays rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 24, 2010 by sexyyrays


Xbox 3D

onetimeuse has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Oct 24, 2010 by onetimeuse


Xbox 540

fnjimmy has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Oct 24, 2010 by fnjimmy


Xbox HD or 3D

ThaBrad rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 25, 2010 by ThaBrad


If the next gen consoles go 3D it will be the end of gaming for me, the whole point of me being a console gamer is that I can finish work, press the power button and off I go pwnin newbs.. If I have to buy a new console plus a 3D enabled tv I would rather go out and try that thing called... Um.. What is it? Sex?

Zero2990 has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Oct 25, 2010 by Zero2990


Double x box!!!!

HogHulk has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Oct 25, 2010 by HogHulk

de bad shot

xbox reach

de bad shot rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 26, 2010 by de bad shot

de bad shot

or reach box

de bad shot rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 26, 2010 by de bad shot


@onetimeuse, I don't know how I missed the "XBOX 3D". I really hope that doesn't happen!

@thebrad, the current gen does HD, so I don't see them using "XBOX HD" either. Good suggestion though.

@HogHulk, so the next one after that would be the XXX-BOX? LoL :)

BatRastered rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 26, 2010 by BatRastered


@BatRastered, yea and after that it will
b the HULK Box!!!!!!!!! 8)

HogHulk has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
Oct 27, 2010 by HogHulk


I Lol'd at the XXX-Box. I'm sure that wouldn't be used for many reasons. xD

Pwny rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Oct 31, 2010 by Pwny


xbox360-2 sounds nice. and lol@ the kinect-tard gif on sonic riders....oh god....

iorilamia rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Dec 8, 2010 by iorilamia


180 720 that is just something that the corporation want you to think project 1080 lol microsoft

kof2012 rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Jan 18, 2011 by kof2012


720 for the SF super/ultra throws

shenwoopunch rated Xbox 360 Rent it
Jan 28, 2011 by shenwoopunch


xbox 720 sounds good

blazemanx rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Feb 4, 2011 by blazemanx


How about the Xbox Clench? Since almost everyone who buys their system at launch gets screwed.

DragonKiss83 rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Feb 17, 2011 by DragonKiss83



Phresh has not rated Xbox 360 yet.
May 9, 2011 by Phresh


Kinectbox, cloudbox, bingbox, sexbox, Xbox 3600, tribox, wiiplaybox, avatarbox, zbox, microbox, every one of those that i just listed are better than the ones they listed i think let me know.

DIZZIEBLUNT rated Xbox 360 Buy it
Aug 18, 2011 by DIZZIEBLUNT


only jimmy's buy kinect :P

Cybuster89 rated Xbox 360 Flush it
Mar 4, 2012 by Cybuster89

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