Top 6 Pink peripherals in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month

By goukijones — October 6, 2010
Tags: breast-cancer-awareness peripherals pink

In honor of saving the titties month. I decided to pull all of the Pink peripherals together. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Show your support.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Save the titties. Visit for more information.

Number 6 - System Skins

Impress your friends with a pink Xbox with skulls on it. If you don't have an Xbox, don't worry there are pink butterflies and diamonds you can plaster to your PS3. All of these come with controller skins as well. Still playing with your Wii - oh that sounds funny - well there are shiny pink Wii skins for you too.

Pink system skins

New XBOX 360 Console Protective Skin - BoneCollector - Pink

Protective skins for FAT Playstation 3 System Console, PS3 Controller skin included - BUTTERFLY PINK

Playstation 3 Skin - System Console Skin and two PS3 Controller Skins - Pink Diamonds

Wii Evolve Pink Geisha (Pink Chrome) case

Number 5 - Controller Skins

If you don't need a new controller and want to get into the spirit of things, there are plenty of pink skin styles for your controllers. This is also a good way to distinguish your girlfriends controller from yours. I wouldn't want her missing up my perfectly loose thumbsticks.

Pink controller skins

Protective Grips for PlayStation Move Controllers - Black and Pink

Protective Skin for Playstation 3 Remote Controller - Hearts Pink

New Balance Board Silicone Skin Cover For Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii Remote Control Nunchuck Silicone Skin - Pink

Protective skins for Guitar Hero 4 "World Tour" Guitar, fits Xbox 360, PS3 Playstation 3 - PINK BUTTERFLY

Xbox 360 Controller Silicon Sleeve - Pink

Number 4 - Controllers

Need a new controller, might as well go pink. It'll be a special treat for you to hand your buddy a pink Xbox 360 controller or a Pink PS3 controller the next time he comes over to mooch off of your Halo Reach or Killzone 3. This is also a good idea to keep your girlfriend away from you sticks. I mean controllers.

Pink controllers

Xbox 360 Controller

Nintendo Wii Remote MotionPlus bundle

PlayStation 3 DualShock 3 Wireless Controller Pink 

Number 3 - Nintendo DSi

Just in case you don't have a Nintendo DS hand held, get this pink one. The ladies on the bus ride home are going to be all over you.

Pink DSi

Pink Nintendo DSi

Number 2 - Nintendo DSi Accessories

Wow! You already have a Nintendo DS of some sort. Try dressing it up with some of these hot accessories. That Princess Peach tin lunch pail is PWNN!

Pink DSi accessories

DSi 22-In-1 Deluxe Starter Kit

DSi/DS Lite Universal Transporter Carrying Case

Universal 4 Stylus Pack for DS/DSi/DSi XL - Pink

DSi Metal Case

Nintendo DS Lite Princess Peach Tin Starter Kit

Number 1 - Xbox 360 Rechargeable Battery

We all can use new batteries and for the price this is unbeatable. $10 for 1 or $17 for two. Deals Jimmy. They also look real slick in a black controller.

Pink Xbox 360 battery

Xbox 360 Rechargeable Pink Controller Battery Pack

Xbox 360 Rechargeable Controller Battery Pack Pink 2 Pack


It's not pink, it's light-ish red.

Oct 6, 2010 by BatRastered


hooray for titties!

Oct 8, 2010 by erikestrada


oh and good red vs blue reference Bat.

Oct 8, 2010 by erikestrada


This is awesome. o;

Oct 9, 2010 by Pwny


The 360 faceplate thing looks awesome!

Oct 10, 2010 by GreenFire999



Oct 24, 2010 by fnjimmy


that is badass faceplate and graphic on the xbox

Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012


the wii-mote actually looks nice in pink ;)

Jan 31, 2011 by iorilamia

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