Community Total Game Integration for Killzone3

By iorilamia — January 22, 2011
Tags: killzone3 news playstation-home total-game-intergration

Sony's got a great way to bring non-Home users in.

I don't know many people who use PS Home, I thought it was amazing...the first day i got my ps3, then got over the hype of it pretty fast. But starting January 27nth Sony is starting "Total Game Integration". Basically its epic marketing for upcoming games within Home. For Killzone 3 they took the nice blue sky and tall shopping malls within Home plaza and turned it into a K3 battlefield. Buildings are all fucked up and crumbling, the sky is poluted and Helgast fly around. Their will also be a new area you can go into and it lets you play a FPS mini-game called "Killzone Defender", its just a gun you move around to shoot Helgast, but its a nice addition. If you beat all the levels and stuff, you earn 3 extra MP points to use in K3. The cool part is the game also takes you into the plaza, to find weapons to give to others players and such. This seems great with a couple of friends. You can also get some pretty sweet killzone avatars to fly around the Plaza in ; the gimmicky marketing stuff is all good to me. Sony says they will do this for other upcoming titles, and I'm excited for it. What do you guys think about this new Total Game Integration? Leave a comment below and check the video. And rememebr MP k3 demo coming in Feb!

Video from IGNEntertainment



Article Source goes to Anthony Gallegos @ IGN

Killzone 3

Killzone 3

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Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

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