Community Tweet Fighter 2

By starlordtitus — July 15, 2011
Tags: blog street-fighter-ii

Street Fighter 2 meets Twitter.

This is pretty bad ass. Tweet Fighter 2 is basically Twitter with an pair of fists. For the first time ever, Twitting actually makes sense. No longer will you have Tweet something for nothing, you type in a keyword, your opponent gets a clenched fist to the FACE! The controls are a bit confusing at first, but typing in the right keywords nets you damage on your opponent. And while I personally prefer the real thing, this game is somewhat interesting when you see it on your screen. The competitive edge one has when playing a Street Fighter game surfaces as you scramble to figure out the keywords. As you begin, you enter your own made up twitter name and enter the other one as well. The fight then begins and the timer begins to clock down. Depending on the keyword you enter, determines the damage of the keyword. I think of this of more a mini game than anything else but nevertheless I think it's a fun way to turn your tweets into something productive for whoopin on your opponents rather than to just waste space on Twitter xD The game itself could probably be transfered to facebook and then we'd have something  probably better suited for us. Either way I find this program to mildly entertaining x) Give it a try and then see if we can match up!!



sad face.

Jul 15, 2011 by goukijones


You could maybe write something about it? Not much of a story here.

Jul 15, 2011 by BatRastered


what they said ^^^^^^

Jul 15, 2011 by blazemanx


Oh wow xD I was in the middle of this story when my brother got on. He said "oh you're in the middle of it? Here let me save it for you" And I said ok, then I thought.....OH SHIT!. So now here it is xD Um I hope you guys don't mind if I edit this LOL!

Jul 15, 2011 by starlordtitus


There we go :)

Jul 15, 2011 by starlordtitus



Jul 15, 2011 by goukijones


Might be funny to see as a side bar while you were typing stuff out just for some laughs, but that's about it.

Jul 17, 2011 by dragonkiss83


lol tweet fighter now I could fight with my tweets ;)

Jul 20, 2011 by kof2012


LOL, tweet fighter?

Jul 20, 2011 by iorilamia


aw wtf i dont get the command

Jul 20, 2011 by iorilamia

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