Community Twisted Metal + Mechs = Fuck Yeah!!!

By DragonKiss83 — June 3, 2011
Tags: news ps3-exclusive twisted-metal video

I guess they decided we just weren't hyped enough.

Let me just start by saying, "Holy Shit!!!"

Sweet Tooth busts out a sick ass Mech and brings some hell to Dollface.  But two can play that game.  The chance to play as a bad ass mech in this game brings it up to a whole other level for me.  I was just short of drooling when I saw this.  If they offer this for everyone the game is going to be insane.  Hell if the mechs are only available in one mode of play I'll be fine with that.  This is a franchise that I have loved from the start and they are bringing out all the tricks to be relevant again. 

What else could we ask for?  Can you think of anything missing?  Or do you think they are trying to hard?

Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal Box Art ps3

4 Stories

Release Date: Feb 14, 2012

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