Community Virtura Fighter 5: Final Showdown confirmed

By Arthvader — August 23, 2011
Tags: announcement news psn video virtua-fighter-5-final-showdown xbla

Sega is finally bringing the updated Virtua Fighter 5 game into consoles.

Sega announced that they will be bringing out Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, to XBLA and PSN next summer. this is the second revision of Virtua Fighter 5 which was released in arcades. it will feature further balancing from the original VF5, exquisite arenas, new characters, such as Taka Arashi, the sumo wrestler from VF3, and Jean Kujo, an entirely new character for this game, for a total of 19 characters, and extensive customizations for the characters.


I'm really excited for this game. I've been waiting for an updated version of Virtua Fighter 5 to come here for a long time now, and learning of this news now, it makes me want to get back on VF. I'll be interesting to see how they rebalance this game, especially since I want to see what they do with my character, Brad Burns, a character who specializes in kickboxing.


Here's the trailer for the game:


Leave your comments in the bottom, and don't be a Jimmy!! I'll see you at the next World Fighting Tournament.






Summer 2012! They're even announcing XBLA and PSN games a year in advance now? SMH...

Aug 23, 2011 by BatRastered


lol. Not my style, but I know some of you Jimmys dig this game. Street Fighter 4 Life!

Aug 23, 2011 by goukijones


sweet i enjoyed VF5 but never had anyone to play hopefully the online scene is decent

Aug 23, 2011 by blazemanx


I love this game and the story lol

Aug 23, 2011 by kof2012


I was never much of a VF fan, but if you are excited I hope you enjoy it.

Aug 24, 2011 by dragonkiss83


About time! Damn! I've seen this version in Japan beginning this year.

I'm digging that they brought back Taka Arashi from Virtua Fighter 3! Wooooo! This is better than Street Fighter... Just Saying~

Aug 25, 2011 by reipuerto

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