Vlog #15 The Resur-Erection

By goukijones — November 7, 2010
Tags: exclusive exclusive-video video vlog

It's been a long time since I got shit faced and just rambled in front of the camera. I hope you guys enjoy the new Vlog. Please leave a comment on this story. Thank you for watching.

Featuring: Cinderkin, Akskiller, Billy Mays, BatRastered, FNJimmy and ErikEstrada.

Thanks for watching and please leave a comment.

If you like this vlog watch the other vlogs 1-14.

Batman Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition giveaway.

Do you like my vloggin' style? Upload your vlog to Gouki.com and share your thoughts about video games however you like.

Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham Asylum Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

5 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 25, 2009

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