Want a Resident Evil 2 Remake? Demand It From Capcom!
By cinderkin —
September 27, 2012
One of the greatest Resident Evil games ever made could get a remake if enough Jimmys request it.
Capcom producer Yoshiaki Hirabayash thinks that a remake of Resident Evil 2 could be a possibility, but isn't currently in the works.
During a recent interview Hirabayash stated “If the fans really clamor for it; if there's a groundswell of support for remaking that game, then I think that's something Capcom would take under consideration."
Knowing Capcom though consideration could mean anything as Hirabayash goes on to say “Just to lay all the cards on the table, that way there's no rumour-mongering or things like that, no, we are not working on a Resident Evil 2 remake as of now."
So if you want to get a remake of Resident Evil 2 be sure to let your voices be heard. Whether it's in the comments here, over at Capcom-Unity, on the streets, or in Capcom's backyard. Don't be a Jimmy!
I would love it if they could do a full blown remake of the game. I really enjoyed the remake of Resident Evil on the Gamcube and was utterely disappointed when RE 2 and 3 were just smoother ports and ot remakes. I would hate it if all they did was an "HD" update. With Resident Evil 6 right around the corner it's a good time to be a Resident Evil fan.
Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!
Release Date:
Oct 2, 2012
Original source.